Page name: I hate hate [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-12 00:46:58
Last author: zoloftzantac
Owner: zoloftzantac
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Sound ironic? It is, we're not really "hating" hate, but trying to make a point about how hate is the most ugly thing in this world.


An Anti-Hate Community where EVERYONE is welcome, please respect others.


This wiki became first in the Best Wiki Award of may.


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This wiki is a Safe Zone


Don't ignore hate

Stand up against hate, if you see ugly hate on a wiki comment, or of someone sends it to you in a message, speak out against it. Don't let your silence imply your agreement! It doesn't have to turn into a fight, if nothing else you can simply say, "Your hateful comments are making me uncomfortable."

This wiki page is a place for open and free discussion for all to talk about hate and any other remotely related issues. (especially for people who don't agree)

Welcome to all!


"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule."





"Hatred can be overcome only by love."

~Mahatma Gandhi


This wiki was named from something I once heard someone say,
"I hate people who hate hate"

Please try to play nice.
Flaming will not be allowed here.


"Hatred paralyses life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it."

~Martin Luther King Jr.


"Intolerance: a veil worn to disguise fear and ignorance."

~Binda Fraser

"He that will be angry for anything will be angry for nothing."





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2005-11-16 [zoloftzantac]: is it true that hate is a nessisary part of life? I find hate to be the most ugly thing of all, does the world really need it?

2005-11-21 [RabidSphinx]: you are not permitted to have my name, or my wiki listed here. you must have my permission to do so. i will ask you only once to take them down or i will report you.

2005-11-22 [zoloftzantac]: For a change you are so polite to me, thank you for that. You know, even if I were to remove it, you have put your own name on my wiki yourself when you posted your comment here. kinda ironic, huh? As for the links on my wiki, I think they should be okay. If you need to report it go ahead. If a gaurd tells me there really are rules (some special elfrules?) about what I can and can't link to then I will respect those rules. However, *Anti-Homosexuality wiki founder* you have been quite disrespectful to me on your *Anti-Homosexuality wiki*, and I have no disire to go out of my way just to make you happy. (this post was edited to remove direct links and names)

2005-11-22 [RabidSphinx]: well then, you have been reported. you are showing no great sign of maturity in this situation. you came to MY wiki and tried to start a fight, you were dissed and dissmissed, and now you are being cranky. this wiki is insulting and rude towards me, which is not allowed. to avoid trouble, you are advised to just take down the part about me and my wiki. say you made it because you were booted from a wiki you disagree with. there is no need to be spreading your hate of me and my wiki Mr. "I hate hate"

2005-11-25 [zoloftzantac]: I don't hate you, but I don't love you either. You "dissed" me, this is slang for dissrespected. Yes, you did dissrespect me. I was not looking for a fight. I only wanted to talk about the very subject of this new wiki, and I was dissrespected and flamed. I never flamed you or anyone else. As for your report, I did hear from the guards, and I will remove the direct links. Do you think that people who read this will wonder about which anti-homosexuality wiki founder and which anti-homosexuality wiki I'm talking about now that you have posted yourself all over my wiki?

2005-11-28 [Dwemer]: [RabidSphinx], he is allowed to put your name on here. So have fun :)

2005-11-28 [Dwemer]: Btw, shouldn't we have a members list ?

2005-11-28 [RabidSphinx]: Me being posted in comments is different than being posted on the page. You wanted a ‎fight, so you got one. Stop you hate of me and likeminded people. You went to the wrong ‎place if you wanted to discuss my wiki, I directed you several times to where you ‎COULD talk about it, but you ignored it. I do not LIKE conflict, and I do not LIKE ‎having to delete comments all the time, but people like you make it that way. You were ‎disturbing the peace, and I had to fix that. and last i checked, people cannot post other people's names, or any of their wikis on their wiki without their consent. It would be ‎in violation of the "asshole" rule, and i know the guards have enforced it before...(‎

2005-11-28 [RabidSphinx]: The idea behind my wiki is not hate, but simply that, we do not have to accept everything ‎and *anything* someone chooses to do. Like you, I chose the word "hate" to make a ‎point. Reading on it is a moral disagreement with the act that my wiki is about, but ‎naming it "I morally but respectfully disagree with the act of homosexuality" would have ‎been too long of a wiki title. You say you do not hate me, well, I do not hate gays, so ‎please, just get over yourself, for both our sakes.‎

2005-11-28 [lustful.hearts]: hey every0ne

2005-11-29 [BEAutiful *oblivion*]: hi ppls

2005-11-29 [lustful.hearts]: ello

2005-11-29 [lustful.hearts]: ello'

2005-11-29 [lustful.hearts]: you need a list for members

2005-11-29 [BEAutiful *oblivion*]: who me or them

2005-11-29 [lustful.hearts]: them

2005-11-29 [zoloftzantac]: [RabidSphinx]: I have read many of the past comments on your hateful anti-homosexuality wiki. You said you would have named the wiki "I morally but respectfully disagree with the act of homosexuality" but the name was too long. Are you aware that you have not been treating people respectfully? Saying that gays kissing is disgusting, that is NOT respectfully disagreeing. Saying that people who speak out against the hate of homosexuality disgust you is also NOT respectfully disagreeing.

2005-11-29 [zoloftzantac]: Hello and welcome to [Dwemer], [lustful.hearts], and [BEAutiful *oblivion*]. Now there is a member list, thanks for the idea. [BEAutiful *oblivion*]: May I add you to the member list?

2005-11-29 [BlindGuardian]: Done! Now I'm a member!

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: mr. zoloft? you have ANY idea how long my wiki has been up? you have any idea how many people have attacked me personallty on there and in PMs? you have any idea how often i have had to put up with being disrespected and taking it graciously? you have come to me at a time where i am VERY tired. ilike i have said before to you, you are the 200th person to come to my wiki and say the EXACT same thing. the first few i took with a grain of salt, allowed them to say what they wanted, and went on with my life. but, eventually, they wore me down. i'm sorry you feel you were treated without respect, but look at the WHOLE situation from my POV. yes, i am physically sickened seeing gay people kiss...

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: ....saying that on my wiki is not being "disrespectful" but just being honest. i UNDERSTAND! you DISAGREE with me. BUT, neither of us is going to change the others mind. you constanly messaging my wiki (that i have told you, and warned you is not the place for such a disscussion) is considered harrassment. think of it this way, would you feel harassed if you owned the "i love homosexuality" wiki and i went there, and sent you endless messages about how i disagree and try to force you into a debate when you do not want one? i can tell you, with that senario, i would have been banned for harassment in a heartbeat. don't take this websites bias towards liberal ideals as a right to harass people

2005-11-29 [death how i long to embrace you]: ummm this wiki is kind stupid i mean come on if you hate hate then you cant hate hate because you are hateing there for you hate your self for hateing hate right?

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: the phrazology is supposed to be ironic to prove a point.

2005-11-29 [death how i long to embrace you]: ummm phrazology?

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: um, sorry, "Phraseology " means how it was said was "phrased" in such a way to make a point. it explains some under the title, at the top i believe

2005-11-29 [BlindGuardian]: Okay, let me ask you something here, where you cannot delete my comments... You said above you didn't call the wiki "I morally but respectfully disagree with the act of homosexuality" for a matter of space. Now, IN YOUR WIKI you post the following statemente: "yes, I "hate" Homosexuality". With it, anyone would think you really mean hate... meaning you're making a self-contradiction here. You might like to correct that.

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: i changed that part of my wiki a few weeks ago. fed up with people like you hounding me. see, i never hated gays, until they started harassing me...:)

2005-11-29 [BlindGuardian]: I still see it there, my dear.

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: no, i mean, sorry, you missunderstood me, i worded that wrong. i *originally* had on my wiki that i hated no one and so forth. BUT, after many months of harassment, i started to feel a few rather disgruntaled feelings towards the "gay comunity" i made that change when i was in a grumpy mood. i haven't felt inspired to change it back with you messaging me.

2005-11-29 [BlindGuardian]: I see you misunderstand me now. I meant correct the self-contradiction. Just admit you *do* hate, and stop the politically correct bullshit. Thanks.

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: i hate being politically corect. i strive to be anything but since PC infringes on freespeach. no, i do not hate gays. i do not meet someone, find out they are gay, and hate them. i do hate some people though, for reasons other than that they are gay...for instance, they are assholes, they are rude, they are hypocritical, they are immature...ect. them being gay has nothing to do with any of that. and fyi, i have gay friends. so i can hardly "hate" gays, when am dating someone who is "bisexual" and 5 of my friends are bi or gay. get off your high horse

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